Event booking and invitations

Arranging an event be it a celebration, opening a building, launching a product or simply a get together of your customers or suppliers can be very time consuming. It can take you away from you core activities and can cause service to fall as a result.

The most significant problem can be getting the invitations out, knowing who has got the invitation and then determining who is actually coming along. How often have we all replied at the last minute to confirm attendance ..... a nightmare for the organiser!

We can take this time absorbing activity off you and help at every step in such a scenario. Our dedicated team of call handlers can make the calls for you and we could provide a dedicated phone in line so that the organisation is kept away from your office, and all of the information gathered centrally.

We can work using your in house systems if access is granted, or by using spreadsheets or a database.

If you would like more information or would like a quote please contact us