Business continuity

What happens when disaster strikes? What procedures are in place to bring services back up should they fail? What happens during that time if customers, suppliers or staff are trying to make contact? How can the organisation advise a large number of people quickly of such an event?

The causes of such things are numerous but could include:

  • Telephone exchange failure or a cut in the main phone line
  • Power cut
  • Road accident or snow making it impossible for people to get to work
  • Flood or other natural occurrence
  • Fire alarm causing the building to be evacuated

and many others.

With forethought and planning a robust business continuity plan can be put in place to deal with the majority of possible incidents. Techvolution can advise and provide solutions for issues surrounding people trying to contact the organisation as well as the organisation needing to contact a large number of people quickly should an event occur.

See the Numbers section regarding the benefits of Virtual Numbers related to business continuity.

If you would like more information or would like a quote please contact us